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2013年07月24日 12:00:00





Postal Imports

Import of goods using Mail, International Express Mail, including goods purchased using the Internet Simplified Taxation Regime/ RTS

I - This Regime applies to:

     •    imported by mail, Air Carrier or Courier Companies; including goods purchased using the internet.

     •    This Customs Regime also applies to gifts received from abroad.

     •   This Customs Regime does not apply to imported goods such as alcoholic beverages (liquor), tobacco and tobacco related products.

II - Maximum value of the goods to be imported:

Maximum amount of the good to be imported through this regime is US$ 3.000,00 (three thousand US dollars)

III - Taxation Rate:

The taxation rate is 60% (sixty per cent) over the price stated on the commercial invoice added of the transport and insurance costs if they were not included on the merchandise total price. In the case of the goods imported using the services of international express companies (Courier), it will be added a 18% State VAT (ICMS);

Notice: In the case of gifts, the taxable price will be the one declared by the sender as long as compatible with similar goods available on the market;

IV - Software import taxation

Software media are taxed on a 60% rate only if the media value is separately discriminated in the invoice.

If the media value is not discriminate in the invoice the taxation will be imposed on the total value of the merchandise.

V - Exemptions

     •     Goods with total value of up to US$ 50,00 (Fifty US Dollar) are not taxed, considering that both participants on the transaction, sender and beneficiary are individuals;

     •    Prescription drugs sent to individuals. During Customs clearance procedures the Ministry of Health will enforce the presentation of a valid prescription.

     •   Books and newspapers are not taxable (art. 150, VI, "d", of the Federal Constitution).

VI - Tax Payment

In the case of import using mail services, considering goods with total value up to US$ 500.00, the tax will be paid by the beneficiary when retrieving the merchandise in the Post Office without any Customs formality.

When the value of the goods received exceeds US$ 500.00, the beneficiary will have to present the Simplified Import Declaration (DSI).

When using international express companies, with door to door services (courier), the Tax will be collected by the courier company directly to the Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil - RFB. Therefore, when the beneficiary receives the international express order the tax charged will be included in the total amount due.


The Brazilian Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF) is mandatory for individuals residing abroad who own property or other assets in Brazil subject to public registration, including:

     •   Real estate property

     •   Vehicles

     •   Vessels Aircrafts Shares of stock

     •   Bank accounts

     •   Financial market investments

     •   Capital market investments


        1、所有通过快递方式寄到巴西的包裹,收件人在巴西当地的VAT 号码必须填写在运单(第九栏Special Delivery Instructions 处)和商业发票 上。
        当地的VAT号码分为:CNPJ(公司- XX.XXX.XXX/XXXX-XX)和CPF(私人- XXX.XXX.XXX/XX)两种类型。
        2、 巴西为保护本国的工业生产,对国外进口的货物采取了征税贸易保护政策;
        3、 从2005年6月1日开始,所有进口到当地的快件运单及发票必须提供详细的收件人名、地址及美元申报价值,否则将会自动退回发件地,相关退件费用直接向发件人收取;
        4、 目前,寄往巴西的快件是经美国迈阿密中转,采用EDI电子报关进口,包裹类货物在经迈阿密中转时即已知关税金额,服务商会与收件公司联系确认关税的支付情况,在确认已收到收件人关税后,方可准允从迈阿密转进巴西,故将影响货物的派送时效。
        5、 从2005年8月31日开始,所有进口至巴西该国的物品的发票及运单上必须注明收件人相关征税ID号码,以便收取相关关税。没有收件人征税ID的物品申报将被海关扣件30天,30天后自动退回发件地,相关费用直接向发件公司收取。

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